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The Keto Diet


Any implications for oral health? The keto diet is the latest in hot health trends to hit the world, and it seems to be all you hear about in health…

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High Street And Pro Teeth Whitening Options


Are Any Of Them Guaranteed To Work? Teeth whitening is something that most people hadn’t even heard of 20 years ago, and if you did, it was usually in relation…

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Keep Your Smile Healthy This Easter


15 Need-To-Know Tips From Kent Smile Studio! Easter is nearly here, and the holidays are a fantastic time to enjoy days out, time with friends and family, and most importantly,…

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Robot Dentists


Could they become reality? An article featured in The Independent recently reported on an entire dental procedure completed by robots in China. 3D teeth were printed and then fully implanted…

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Spring Clean Your Oral Health Regime!


Kent Smile Studio says take time to invest in your personal oral care! If you’re anything like most people in the UK, you have already started cleaning your house for…

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Newly Engaged?


It’s time to start thing about your wedding day smile…. Here at Kent Smile Studio in Maidstone and Chatham, we love a happy occasion and what could be happier than an engagement?…

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A Beautiful Smile For Valentines Day


Your Kent Smile Studio Dentist’s Guide Valentines Day isn’t always exciting if you don’t have a date lined up. If you are planning on getting involved in the romance though,…

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Your Smile….


The First Step To The Career You Have Always Dreamed Of? A career is something that you get from working really hard, from passion, from education, from experience and sheer…

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We gester heart our patients

""Everyone is so friendly and professional. I had to have some work done and felt well looked after from beginning to end and would recommend this practice to anyone looking…"

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We gester heart our patients

""I've been going to Smilemaker Dental Care for over twenty years now and I have never had anything but excellent treatment. Some of the staff has changed over the years…"

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We gester heart our patients

""Fantastic treatment and excellent service! Will definitely return and would recommend it. Thank you!""

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We gester heart our patients

""A very friendly group of people who provided me with 1st class service.""

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We gester heart our patients

""Very welcoming, and excellent care. Thank you!""

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  • Site last updated 16 September 2024
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  • Kent Smile Studio Ltd | Company No: 14746676