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Obesity & Your Oral Health


Is There A Connection? You can’t really get through a day in modern times without hearing or seeing something about the obesity epidemic. The statistics and figures can be shocking…

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Avoiding Dental Decay


Prevention Is Better Than Cure! Dental decay can be incredibly painful and at its last stages it can cause a person to lose their teeth. There are certain complications of…

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Overcome Your Dental Phobia


Let Kent Smile Studio help you get the treatment you deserve! It can feel like everyone else in the world comfortably goes to the dentist, gets an appointment and comes…

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High-Quality Denture Treatment At Kent Smile Studio


Affordable new teeth at your Maidstone and Chatham Dentist Dentures are a popular tooth replacement option for many people who want an efficient and affordable treatment that restores the smile…

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National Ice Cream Month And Other Summer Challenges For Your Smile


Reduce the risks of teeth and gum damage – top tips from Kent Smile Studio. July is National ice cream month which is great news for those of you who…

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The Essential Summer Oral Care Guide


Courtesy of your Kent Smile Studio dentist in Maidstone! Summer is finally here, and the weather forecast for mid and late summer so far looks to be pretty great. Realistically…

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20 Reasons Why You May Need To Go To The Dentist!


Any of the following warrant a visit or enquiry with Kent Smile Studio Going to the dentist is not something most people would say they particularly enjoy, but rather, it…

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The Spotlight On Facial Aesthetics Treatment


Roll back the signs of ageing at Kent Smile Studio in Chatham and Maidstone! Over the last ten years, dental services across the UK, and worldwide have extended far beyond…

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""Everyone is so friendly and professional. I had to have some work done and felt well looked after from beginning to end and would recommend this practice to anyone looking…"

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We gester heart our patients

""I've been going to Smilemaker Dental Care for over twenty years now and I have never had anything but excellent treatment. Some of the staff has changed over the years…"

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We gester heart our patients

""Fantastic treatment and excellent service! Will definitely return and would recommend it. Thank you!""

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""A very friendly group of people who provided me with 1st class service.""

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We gester heart our patients

""Very welcoming, and excellent care. Thank you!""

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  • Site last updated 6 September 2024
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  • Kent Smile Studio Ltd | Company No: 14746676