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Do You Know Where To Get Safe Facial Aesthetics Treatments?


Trusted clinicians locally in Maidstone These days, we all seem to want things ‘right here, right now’. We want convenience with everything we do; everyone is very busy and the…

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The Essential 15 Oral Health Tips For You To Take Into 2020


15 oral health tips ready for the New Year As we move towards New Year we often try to leave previous habits behind and instead seek to improve areas of…

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Your Essential Christmas Oral Health Guide From Kent Smile Studio


Keep a healthy smile over Christmas with this important guide from your local Maidstone dentist. Christmas is such an exciting time of the year, when every family relaxes and enjoys…

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Dry Mouth


What Is It And How Does It Affect Oral Health? If you are currently suffering from dry mouth, or you have had it before, you know all too well how…

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Common Dental Terminology


The team at Kent Smile Studio explains common dental terms No matter how nice your dentist is or how comfortable you feel with them, sometimes there are elements of the…

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Understanding Your Tongue And Soft Tissues In The Mouth


Dental Education From Kent Smile Studio The health of your teeth and gums are top priorities when it comes to dentistry. However, there are other parts of your mouth that…

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Keeping Your Teeth Clean & Your Mouth Comfortable With Adult Braces


Orthodontic tips from Kent Smile Studio in Maidstone Ideally, children and young adults who require help correcting an uneven bite or crooked teeth would have access to braces nice and…

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Male Beauty Trends – Facial Aesthetics


The Modern Face Of Male Grooming In Maidstone Male beauty has often taken a back seat in UK culture for lots of reasons. But the idea of what masculine means…

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""Everyone is so friendly and professional. I had to have some work done and felt well looked after from beginning to end and would recommend this practice to anyone looking…"

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We gester heart our patients

""I've been going to Smilemaker Dental Care for over twenty years now and I have never had anything but excellent treatment. Some of the staff has changed over the years…"

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""Fantastic treatment and excellent service! Will definitely return and would recommend it. Thank you!""

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""A very friendly group of people who provided me with 1st class service.""

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We gester heart our patients

""Very welcoming, and excellent care. Thank you!""

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  • Site last updated 6 September 2024
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  • Kent Smile Studio Ltd | Company No: 14746676